Hello, I’m Richard Ingram, the founder and editor-in-chief of Riceoweek.com. I created this site with a clear vision: to offer a reliable source of news and a space for meaningful dialogue. In a world where the pace of information is ever-accelerating, my team and I are committed to ensuring that our content is not only up-to-date but also thoughtful and nuanced.

Whether you’re looking for the latest headlines, detailed reports, or expert opinions, Riceoweek.com is here to provide you with quality journalism you can trust.

Here you will find actual news and articles about technology, marketing, social, food, real estate, sports, and entertainment. Read, comment, and share with friends. Do you have questions, ideas, or suggestions for improving the site? Write to me! Check out the “Contacts” page, there is a form. I’ll be happy to hear from you!

Since May 2024, we have welcomed an expert in the field of food, professional chef Brett Martinez, to our team. He will share useful information about cooking, the latest culinary news, travel updates, and his personal experiences with food. Learn more about him on his page: Brett Martinez.

Thank you for joining us!

Richard Ingram and team.