by Preqin
Preqin issues league tables of funds that have consistently generated higher returns and lower volatility than their peers.
Drawing on data compiled for the 2015 Preqin Alternative Assets Performance Monitor, Preqin has created league tables of Hedge Funds that have most consistently delivered strong, stable performance. The league tables do not seek in any way to endorse these funds, but rather to illustrate those that have performed the most consistently over the period June 2010 – June 2015. Seven top-level strategies are represented – Equity, Macro, Event Driven, Credit, Relative Value, Multi-Strategy, and CTA – with all of the top 10 equity strategies funds scoring over 90 out of 100 across all metrics.
From its Hedge Fund Analyst database of over 12,000 hedge funds, Preqin ranked the 1,358 qualifying funds (those with a full performance record of at least five years) using a percentile rank methodology over each of the following metrics: annualized return, volatility, Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio. The score of each fund was then derived through an equally weighted average of the four percentile values, and used to determine the fund’s Consistency Rating. Where a Sortino ratio could not be calculated (due to the fund not generating a negative return in the sample period) the fund was given a percentile score of 100 for its Sortino ratio metric.
Most Consistent Performing Hedge Funds:
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