December 6, 2016 Update: 
A final 4.5-year cycle low was expected the first week of December 2015 and in an interview on December 3, 2015 while gold was trading at $1045, and most analysis were looking for $700 – $1000 gold, we stated ‘Gold will go no lower’.  To date, gold has not gone lower and $1045 holds as the final low.  While gold was making a low on December 3, 2015, the US Dollar topped at the 100 range and the DOW Industrials topped at the 18,000 range and then everything suddenly reversed, gold went up and the US Dollar and stock markets crashed.

Interesting but on the one year anniversary on December 5, 2016, gold made a low at $1156, ($111 higher than in 2015) and just as in December 2015, while gold was making a low, the US Dollar once again was topping. This time at the 101-102 range, and the DOW Industrials possibly topping, this time at the 19,250 range.  Is history about to replay? Will everything suddenly reverse, with gold going up and the US Dollar and stocks crashing?

Something else rather interesting… but exactly 75-years ago on December 7, 1941 was the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.  We cannot assume anything from the events in 1941; but a sudden reversal in the month of December would surely catch everyone who bought the current stock market and US dollar rally off guard.  Just saying!

Our latest Interview of December 1, 2016, ‘December 2016, An Incredibly Important Point in Time’:

In closing, here is a great quote from Jim Rickards…  ‘People say “I hear you Jim and I agree with your argument, but I’ll wait until it starts to take off.” Sorry, you’re not going to be able to get the gold. It will take off, but you’ll be standing there watching it on television going to $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 an ounce while frantically calling your dealer saying: Get me some gold! You know what the dealer is going to say? Sorry, sold out: back ordered. You call the Mint: back ordered. You’re not going to be able to get it. That’s my point. Get it now, while you can, at a good entry point. Not 100%. Just get 10% of your assets in gold, sit tight, and you’ll be fine.’

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