* N.B. This article was originally begun and posted on October 2…I’m re-posting it here, along with numerous UPDATES & my final conclusion below…

As the U.S. Senate vote of Judge Kavanaugh approaches with respect to his nomination to the Supreme Court (pending the submission of an awaited FBI report), we’ll see what the majority of the U.S. Senate decides in answer to the above questions.

So far, the following summation from Ms. Mitchell is before the Senate for their consideration with regard to Ms. Ford’s accusations that she made against Judge Kavanaugh in her public testimony in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week (September 27).

Equally, Judge Kavanaugh was permitted to appear at that hearing and present his side of the issue. By the way, Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” It appeared to me that, in his testimony that day, the Judge found out why he was born…as did Senator Lindsey Graham, I think.

Arising from that hearing (and the 11-10 Committee vote in favour of advancing the nomination to the full Senate) was the Committee request for the FBI to conduct supplemental enquiries to the Senate investigations that have already been conducted on this and relevant matters.

To date, these are the bare public facts on this matter.

What will the Senate do?…

We’ll see what happens after the FBI submits its findings…whether justice will be delivered, or not, by the Senate as it (presumably) considers the facts of this matter, as well as all matters related to its prior multi-day Committee public hearing, numerous one-on-one meetings, thousands of pages of documents (including 6 prior FBI background checks that were conducted during his decades of public service in many jobs), hundreds of letters of endorsement and support from friends, colleagues, peers, professional associations, employers, President Bush, etc., and hundreds of written answers that the Judge has already either participated in or provided…and whether, or not, the final Senate vote affects the U.S. markets.

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