Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer dejectedly quipped during Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s Humphrey-Hawkins testimony  before congress in July of 2012:

“I’m afraid the Fed’s the only game in town!”

Now nearly five years later things may be about to change! The other two policy pillars of Fiscal and Public Policy may be reasserting themselves with a change in the White House and congressional leadership. Suddenly just the promise of potential fiscal stimulus, tax policy and clawbacks of regulatory over-reach have become the lead stories on the nightly news.

We have witnessed the Dow explode through 20,000. We believe this is not simply an endorsement of Donald Trump, but rather a statement of how desperate the country is to remove Congressional gridlock, a dysfunctional Washington apparatus and maybe most importantly, Monetary Policy as the prime driver of economic policy.

Video Length: 00:29:02

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