Lets supposed that you agree, like I do, that 99pct of Americans are honest. We live our lives in a law abiding fashion.  That there is nothing about our lives that is noteworthy or worth hiding from anyone other than maybe the people closest to us.  No one wants everyone close to us to know everything about us. There has to be a little mystery, right? A little salvation from embarrassment, right? We have all our own secrets that we like to keep to ourselves. That is just human nature.

And as far as the rest of the world knowing those items, we are blessed by  “security via obscurity”. No one gives a shit about us. They don’t even know we exist. So no one asks us to share those secrets.

But what about our government? As law abiding citizens who just go to work and live our every day lives, what could we possibly have to hide from our government?

If as law abiding citizens 99pct of us have nothing to hide, why do we need all the protections from government that our constitution provides? 

Why not just let the police come in to our homes any time they would like?  What do we have to hide?

Why not let the government confiscate our phones or computers for a day or two?  What do we have to hide?

Why not let the government monitor what we say or do? What do we have to hide?

Why do the innocent need attorney client privilege? What do you have to hide?

Fortunately our constitution at least tries to  protect us from these types of government intrusions in to our lives.  But what about when it comes from others?

The question is extremely dangerous when coming from a public official or someone running for an office. It is being asked  for no other reasons than to intimidate and to throw the subject’s privacy out the door and open them up to public scrutiny.

I can’t think of anything worse I want to hear coming from someone that holds a public office or is a current Presidential candidate than “What do you have to hide”?

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