Computing technology continues to increase in capability every year. For hackers with top-of-the-line equipment, it is easier than ever for them to run through millions of combinations of characters to discover your passwords than ever before.But how long that might take them still depends on how many characters long it is and what combinations of numbers, lower case letters, upper case letters, and special characters you use in your password.Hive Systems has updated their “Time It Takes a Hacker to Brute Force Your Password” infographic for 2024. Here is the table: Hive Systems’ Corey Neskey’s offers a discussion of how they determined the amount of time it would take a hacker to discover your password by trying all possible combinations of different sets of characters.And for the record, if any of your passwords have been exposed to hackers through a data breach, the amount of time it takes a hacker to get into your account using that password is described as “instantly”. Or in other words, it’s time for you to change those breached passwords to something much longer with many more kinds of characters.Labels: data visualizationMore By This Author:Climbing Limo GDP Forecast For 2024-Q1″No Rate Cut” Bear Scares S&P 500 Into RetreatTurbulence Signaled By S&P 500 Dividend Futures Arrives

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