According to various intelligence agencies, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) organization controls an area roughly the size of Great Britain and may have 200,000 fighters under arms – all fanatics inspired by an ultra-strict interpretation of the Koran and a desire to return the world to a warped vision of purity that they believe existed in the 7th century.

They pose a grave threat to the West, one that they’ve consistently telegraphed with their widespread use of social media. The Paris attacks, for example, were preceded by ISIS’ supporters posting images of the Eiffel Tower and weapons a full 72 hours prior. Now there’s new footage vowing that any nation involved in Syrian airstrikes will “suffer France’s fate.”

The horrific events in Paris last week are, sadly, only an opening gambit, but whether through arrogance or ignorance, our leaders are woefully unprepared for the continuing challenge.

My job as Chief Investment Strategist is to guide you through what’s happening, help you protect your money, and insulate your financial future from anything or anybody who threatens it.

So let’s get right to what it takes to keep your money safe – no hype, no conspiracies, and no nonsense.

What Happens Next for Your Money

Most investors are pre-programmed to run from chaos and that’s entirely understandable. We fear the unknown.

The better course of action is to engage it, especially now.

I made my case on FOX Business’ “Varney & Co.” Monday morning before the bell opened based on three market truisms:

  • Buy low and sell high is your best path to profits no matter what creates the opening.
  • There’s a lot of money trapped on the sidelines that’s going to have to chase performance into the end of the year. Many hedge funds and institutional investors, for example, are way behind this year, so they have an incentive to do a lot of buying in the next few weeks.
  • History shows beyond any shadow of a doubt that buying when “there’s blood in the streets” is prudent. Warren Buffett, the legendary Jim Rogers, and the late Sir John Templeton have all made billions building positions with strong fundamentals at times when others are selling.
  • Then, following a moment of silence at the exchange, the markets took off as traders did exactly what I was suggesting… and bought. All three averages powered higher.

    Host Stuart Varney asked me why the stability when he, like many others, was expecting a knee-jerk sell-off.

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