Just saw a chart with the second quarter GDP results for the fastest growing countries in the world, and…

Of course, emerging countries – largely Asia – dominated.

India topped at a whopping 8.2%, followed by waning China at 6.7%, Indonesia at 5.3%, and Turkey at 5.1%.

Other notable emerging countries were struggling, with Brazil at -1.2% and Argentina at -0.7%.

No surprises, except the underperformance in South America.

But these are trends that most see continuing.

The thing is, some will perform as expected… and then some won’t. And we know how this will shake out!

Our longer-term indicators tell us who will grow or not in the future.

And there are very different stories for these emerging countries looking forward. This table tells the future with much analysis and many graphs to back it up.

Our unique analysis shows how emerging countries accelerate the most through rising urbanization and then secondarily through rising demographics in workforce growth.

Both are highly projectable.

So, which country in that table can most sustain its growth for decades ahead?

That’s easy: India!

That’s why we created a special Boom & Bust report entitled Get Rich off the Demographic Dividend King.

It is the least urbanized at 34%, hence has many decades ahead to continue to grow in GDP per capita, which tends to triple when households move from rural to urban areas.

And its trends in the standard of living growth indicate it could reach $25,500 GDP per capita compared to today’s $7,435, when it’s 80% urban and has the largest population in the world, surpassing China.

Both measures – GDP per capita and urbanization – are the lowest on that table, suggesting that India has the highest potential ahead and for the longest time.

Its trajectory of GDP per capita versus urbanization is as high or higher than China, but it will take a little more time to confirm this early-stage trend…

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