AT&T has recently released a set of commercials boasting its simplicity of use and widespread coverage. One of these commercials features a focus group of children in an elementary school classroom, sitting down at a minuscule table with an adult male reporter. The whole focus of the commercial is to convey the idea that doing two things at once is better, demonstrated by a little boy in the focus group when he spun his head around at the same time as he spun his hand around. AT&T is the only cell phone carrier that offers simultaneous cell and data usage—meaning you can browse the web and talk on the phone at the same time. This advertisement campaign is in direct competition with a recent Verizon campaign, which talks up Verizon’s wider area of coverage.

Does AT&T’s campaign do its job? On Twitter, most people who have responded to this advertisement have reacted in either a strong positive way or a strong negative way. Then again, the Twitterverse is filled with people who love to hate, so it’s impossible to tell. Well, bad press is better than no press, right? What do you think of the new AT&T advertisements featuring children?

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