Well, the central bankers are really beginning to fail in a very public way. Kuroda has obviously made a complete shitshow out of the senior citizens colony known as Japan. Yellen has, so far, been given a free pass by the blinkered, pig-ignorant American public, who are too busy watching the Kardashians, but trust Tim on this, she will have her comeuppance.

Draghi, though, has become an embarrassment beyond my powers of elocution. Exhibit A is Deutsche Bank, shown below. As you can plain see, the stock price is – – and please let this sink in – – far lower than it was during the worst depths of the Financial Crisis. Try to imagine Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan being a single-digit stock these days, and you get the picture (of course, Yellen would never let that happen to the tribe. But I digress).

In any event, Draghi has mortgaged the future of his grandchildren, great grandchildren, and further descendents (his own infertility and/or impotence notwithstanding……..stay with me on this one) in exchange for the brief illusion of recovery. He. Will Fail.

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