The volume after Hillary Tweet day has been incredible as investors, traders, momo’s and substance abusers scramble to dump what they were absolutely in love with not even 3 months ago. On Friday IBB actually closed lower than at any time during the August mini-hysteria. Today they are really laying the wood to the sector as volume has the look of rats scurrying off the decks.

ibb (biotech sector) daily chart


The weekly chart lost its upward Arc, which we had been following in NFTRH for months until it finally broke down over the summer.  This is a whopper of a correction, but its bull is not dead until it loses the October 2014 low, which is still way lower at 247.82.

ibb weekly, biotech sector etf


The market’s graveyard is littered with the corpses of people who tried to bottom feed impulsive declines.  The 250 area does have a pattern that could be supportive along with said October low.

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