Posted New High Last Week

While the S&P 500 struggled last week, NYSE New Highs – New Lows quietly said “be open to a rally in stocks” by making a new high on Wednesday, September 6 (see chart below). The S&P 500 followed on Monday, September 11, 2017 with a new all-time closing high (bottom portion of chart below). NYSE New Highs – New Lows also posted a new closing high on September 11.

What Can Hurricane Tracking Methods Tell Us About Stock Market Risk?

There are numerous similarities between the methods used to track hurricanes and those used to build/maintain probabilistic investment models. What can we learn from hurricane tracking that can assist us with the stock market’s present-day health? How does September 2017 compare to the day before Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy?

Long-Term Means Long-Term

Even when markets are trending in a bullish manner, normal volatility is to be expected and should come as no surprise. If the evidence shifts in a material manner, we are happy to make some adjustments to our portfolio allocations.

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